Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Disposable Phone Numbers

Ever since 24, I've liked the idea of burner phones --- phones with unique numbers that you use to make only the necessary calls and then throw away. However, it's quite expensive to throw away perfectly good cell phones, even if they're just the "feature" and not the "smart" kind... not to mention the guilt I get for adding to my carbon footprint. On the other hand, our technology isn't advanced enough yet that we can print phones on papers like in that terrible Milla Jovovich movie. Seemed like it would be a while before I could have my own disposable numbers.

That is, until I got Burner, the iPhone app that creates and manages disposable numbers! For the purchase price of $1.99, the app gives you a starting number that expires in 7 days, or after 20 minutes of talk time. Use in-app-purchase to extend the life of a number or to buy other numbers. The app also manages text messaging for each number. Very convenient. Just remember that the intention here is to create short-term numbers, so it can be quite expensive if you want a longer term solution. You might consider using TextNow or Google Voice in that case.

"Well, I'm no bad-ass like Jack Bauer, why would I need disposable numbers," you ask. Oh, I admire the naivete. Next time you think you like a stranger and give him your number, give a disposable one instead, in case he turns out to be another stalker who calls you 24-7, like the one you're having a hard time getting rid of right now. More practically though, in a situation where phone or text communication is more convenient, but the other party is a stranger, and you know this is a one-time deal, a disposable number can be, pun intended, in-disposable. Think CraigsList, AirBnB, etc. Anyway, have fun, and remember to call your mom, preferably from your permanent number.
Burner - Disposable Phone Numbers - Ad Hoc Labs, Inc

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